Hello people! And a big Windsor-style welcome to you all! I expect you like the new-look blog. Well, I had to spruce it up a bit, what with the election just around the corner. You never know if old Cameron's going to be logging on and checking up on us. Of course, because it's a crucial time for us politicos I'll be coming out with lots more shite than usual. Take this for example: "The Westphalia-on-Sea area has suffered from years of decline since the Lib Dems took over the Town Hall in 1990 with visitor numbers and inward investment figures falling every year that they have been in control." That's right - I'm saying that people base their choice of holiday destination on which party has overall control of the Town Hall. How mad is that? And I can talk about things that happened in 1990 even though I wasn't here. Ha ha ha! Honestly, I am so wacky - how could you not vote for me?

If you're wondering what this counter is, it tells you how much shit the country is in since New Labour adopted all our Tory policies - capitalism, eh? Don't you just love it?


Wednesday, 20 August 2008


Thanks to B. Localbloke of Eastphalia and Westminster for this week's winning entry.

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

This made me laugh til I messed myself

Someone has been very busy creating a very good spoof of my blog and I must admit it has made me laugh, but not too much, mind. Wouldn't want anyone thinking I had a sense of humour or anything (nothing to worry about there, Ed). My wife had a look and said rather wryly 'someone thinks you're a Johnny-come-lately and a bit of a twat'. Oh how we both laughed. Of course this is connected to the previously referred to Torbay blog which has caused such amusement in political circles with it's crazy crumbling-rockface-casino-in-a-balloon-parking meters-and-private-beaches-who's-that-consultant-running-off-with-my-council-tax? storyline. Most of the locals have decided that the author(s) of this nonsense are the Tory Mayor and his sorry bunch of yes-men. Although this is (fairly lamely) denied by them it is clear that they are in fact behind everything because they aren't even very good at lying.