the Taliban. Of course, it goes without saying that these people all vote Lib Dem, and don't care a fig about things like family values or wearing a blazer. Scum, I call them, and never done
an honest day's work in their lives, I shouldn't wonder. All
they ever do is write endless blogs illustrating the glaring inadequacies of my good friends who are doing their level best
to run Westphalia-on-Sea into the ground, when the real criminals are both in Westminster with fat salaries and cushy lifestyles. Gordon Brown and Brian Localbloke, of course. Guantanamo Bay would be too good for that pair. Anyway, don't get me started.
And now to the good news. Which is actually pretty bloody spectacular news. We can finally started discussing potential jobs for Brian Localbloke after I 'whup his ass' at the next General Election. Yes, it's official, I am going to win. All the polls indicate that without a shadow of a doubt he and his party are completely crap, so the election and the MP's salary is in the bag - or my arse pocket, to be precise. Yes, while Dr Pangloss is still trying to get his casino built, my full house will beat Localbloke's two pairs, and it will be winner takes all. The pot will belong to good ol' Charlie. The best old Localbloke can hope for is a crack at Pangloss's job - well, good luck with that old man. One thing's for sure - I won't be poking my nose into Westphalian issues, oh no. You won't see me for dust. I'll be up the old M4 like a rat up a drainpipe. Be able to buy a place back in Windsor. Only forty minutes into Paddington from there - change at Slough, naturally, but I'll be in first class, away from the riff-raff, so once again, in life, I will win. The bloody blue-rinse brigade won't bother me up there, and I'll be far too busy to spend time in the constituency. God, it's hard not to be smug when you're as blessed as I am.
Game, set and match to Mr Windsor.
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